Thursday 19 September 2013

Year 5 have been busy doing food tests

Does this mean you get to eat food in the lab and see how nice it tastes?
This is the Glucose test

iPad expts

7N use the iPads to film their photosynthesis experiments
Watch this space for the results
Budding film makers are very busy

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Year 7 are investigating photosynthesis

Today all of our year seven classes were experimenting with leaves to investigate photosynthesis.

We now know that leaves make starch.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Year Three getting "organised"

Year three have started their human body topic by finding out where all of their organs are. 
First find your body 
No need for dissection 

Saturday 14 September 2013

Year three Science

Year Three had their first science lesson this week and were asked what they thought about science. Here is one perceptive boy's answers:
·         Science is messy
·         Science is dangerous
·         Science is a way of telling the future
·         Science tells the truth

I think as Head of Science I'd prefer to replace "is" with "can be" in his first two points. 

Year 7 photosynthesis

Year 7 have been using pond weed to study photosynthesis. 
They can see the bubbles of oxygen being given off as the pondweed photosynthesises. 
They expect that the closer to the light the more oxygen will be produced. 

Thursday 12 September 2013

Sci dept iPads first use

We got the new Science Department iPads out for the first time in class  today.

 Year six used them in a lesson all about classification of vertebrates. 
The children really enjoyed this new learning tool

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Trebuchet day

Yesterday a dozen worthy workers researched, designed and built a trebuchet for the History and Science departments' collaborative exercise "Trebuchet Day". 

This is what they built from scratch in seven hours. 
A film of the day will soon appear on the school website. 

more kitchen science

Peter has been busy helping descale the kettle and testing the reagents. Here are his findings:
Do any of you know what kettle scale is, what it is caused by and where it occurs?

Paint fertiliser?

I spotted this on the Nevill.
Why has the grass grown longer and greener where the running track lines were?

Darcey experiments with the contents of the kitchen cupboard

Here is a neat investigation.
Darcey has successfully introduced a control and this has shown a very interesting thing - that the soap freezes quicker than pure water. Normally solutions freeze at lower freezing points and boil at higher boiling points than pure water. What's going on here?

Sebastian is getting eggcited!!!

Sebastian has had a look at egg buoyancy as well and offers us an eggsplanation (apologies to pun haters but JVG will love it)
How difficult it is to explain these things, although you have got the ideas about density correct, one way of reading this might make the reader believe that the egg gets less dense rather than the water getting more dense, which we all know is the case. Proof reading is so important!
Keep them coming.

Monday 2 September 2013

A very topical subject

Here's a hot topic, the technicalities of which are explained very well by Emma. We have all heard about the protests but what actually is the process.
 It's very controversial but those in the petrochemical industry are sure it's safe now, many oppose the scheme as they feel we will pollute our water and may cause ground tremors. Politically interesting too as it might help break the stranglehold that Middle Eastern countries have on the world's power. Its important to look at all sides of the argument and then make up your own mind.