Thursday 27 March 2014

Green compound

Here's a picture of a bronze statue I saw yesterday in Budapest. 
Bronze is an alloy of tin and copper. This statue was a nice shiny when it was made but now over a hundred years later it's all green. 
This is the question; what is the green compound? Bonus points if you can explain what an alloy is and name the alloy that is made of copper and zinc. 
Answers to my school email address and prize for the best answer. (CE candidates - this is a compound you should know all about)

Sunday 16 March 2014

Gut results

Here are the results of the model gut experiment. 

First the visking tubing was taken out of the boiling tube. It was cut open and the middle was poured into a test tube. 
The two liquids were then tested for starch and glucose. 
The inside had starch but the outside did not. 
Next the glucose test
Both inside and outside had equal amounts of glucose. 
This shows that large starch molecules can't travel through the gut wall but small soluble glucose molecules can. 

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Making a model gut

7N are making a model gut today in Science. 
First wet your visking tubing
Then tie a knot in the bottom of the tube
Now pour in 8ml of starch solution and 8ml of glucose solution. 
Now tie the open end of the visking tube
Then wash the tied tube incase of spillages
Then place the tube in a boiling tube of water. 
Label the tube then wait. 
Tomorrow we are going to test the water inside and outside the tubing to see which chemicals have passed through the visking tubing wall. 
We have made our prediction - have you?
Check tomorrow to see if you are correct. 

Saturday 8 March 2014

Chemistry CE revision course

Are you one of this year's Y8 CE or scholarship candidates? 
Do you feel your chemistry could do with a boost?
If so put this date in your diary.
A two day course in CE Chemistry Wednesday 16th & Thursday 17th April, 10am to 3pm
Email to secure a place.

Sevenoaks science week

As part of Sevenoaks Science Week we took a group of Y8 pupils to see an indoor pyrotechnics lecture. 

We learned all about the chemistry of fireworks. There were some big bangs and quite a few ohhs and arghs as we learned how to make colours and sparkles. 
Many thanks to Sevenoaks for inviting us and Mathew Tosh from Skyburst fireworks company for his excellent lecture.