Friday 11 December 2015

Year 8 holiday work

Year 8 - You sat some important exams, this term. These papers may have identified a few weaknesses and rusty areas. If you need to brush up on any topics do use the resources here:
on the Science blog page to help.
Make sure you have a good rest, give lots of lovely presents and are helpful around the house.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Year 7 are on fire!

One Year 7 Science class have finished their work for the term and spent our last lesson looking at hydrocarbons. We first revisited the conditions required for combustion and then looked into hydrocarbons. Our first experiment involved testing our prediction that water and carbon dioxide would be produced when a hydrocarbon combusts. 

Then we did one of our favourite experiments - the methane mamba! We are able to capture the methane in bubbles which we can set alight in the palm of our hands.

They represented all they had learnt in the form of a poster.

Last expt of term

Year 7 calculated the density of oxygen in the lab today.

Monday 7 December 2015

Snack time

Year 8 are doing am experiement to see how much energy they can collect from certain snack foods like crisps, wotsits and pringles
 The amount of water was measured
 its temperature before and after were noted
Carful measuring gives accuracy 
 The burning food gives the water energy
The snack needs to be weighed 
 The burning snack raises the temperature of the water
so the temperature needs to be taken before and after the experiment 
 Reading the scale very carefully
and resetting the equipment in between 
Setting it all very carefully 
Then choose a new snack food 
 and repeat the process
 until all of them have been done
Which snack food contains the most energy 
 trying to catch all of the heat
and resetting the equipment each time
 The snack with the most energy is ...................

Thursday 3 December 2015

6S decompose!

Today 6S investigated the thermal decomposition of zinc carbonate
 Zinc carbonate splits up when heated
 and gives off a gas
 this gas is carbondioxide
it can be tested for using limewater 
 which turns from clear to milky.
The mass before and after was taken  
 so that a graph can be plotted.

Year 7 Concentrate

Year 7 were set the task of working out which of two acids was the most concentrated

They measured the acid carefully
then added universal indicator
 then they used a burette to add alkali
and kept adding it a bit at a time
until it turned neutral
which shows green with universal indicator
 whihc ever acid uses most alkali is the most concentrated
accurate work is important

7C concentrate

7C learned the difference between strength and concentration today.
They had to find which acid was more concentrated 

 So they took 10ml of the acid and added universal indicator
 They then used an alkali to neutralise it
The alkali was sodium hydroxide
 They added alkali until the solution in the conical flask turned green
and then saw which acid used the most alkali.
That one was the most concentrated.
Hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide => sodium chloride + water

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Preprep Science club are on fire

The Preprep Science club came to the lab today to learn all about fire.
We saw how oxygen from the air was needed.

The candle in a jar over water experiment proves that.  
Then we saw the gas taps and lit the Bunsen burner
Not so exciting perhaps 
but then we saw how you can put soapy bubbles full of methane  on our hands
and then you can set it alight as long as your arm is stretched out and the bubbles are on top
Brave scientists had a go themselves 
 Always remembering that fire is dangerous
small bits first 
 But Mr Purcell has done it before so he showed you could use a lot of bubbles if you were careful
It just feels a bit warm 
but can be a bit of a shock 
but does not hurt you 
as long as you do as you are told 
and wear the proper safety equipment 
its all safe 
 and rather exciting
completing the fire triangle
and seeing big flames 
appearing to come out of your hand 
magic or science 
science or magic