Thursday 30 April 2015

Flower dissection

Today Year 6 have been learning the names and functions of the parts of a flower. To consolidate their knowledge they carried out a flower dissection. They each took apart a flower and identified the different parts.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Year 2 Rocket day

Year 2 Rocket Day

On Monday 27th of April, the whole of year 2 came down to the Prep School for a rocket workshop and investigation. The 6 8S pupils who were not away at their scholarships helped out. After a short demonstration from Mr Purcell on the first rocket we were going to make, they were split into 6 groups and given one Year 8 as a leader. The first rocket we made was using bicarbonate of soda and hydrochloric acid. We used old film canisters and put a few pipettes full of the acid into the main body of the canister. Then, we put some bicarbonate into the lid and packed it in hard. Next, we went outside and the Year 8 quickly put the lid on, turned it upside down and stood back. This let the acid and the bicarbonate react which created lots of pressure. We then waited for it to pop up into the sky and fall down. After we did this once we added more acid and repeated 3 more times.

            The second rocket we made was the water rocket. This was a demonstration only as it took a long time! The old sprite bottle was filled with water and then attached to a rocket base. Then, we pumped the air through to the bottle. It took quite a while but we finally managed to pump it into the air. All the water sprayed out as it flew up!  

Next, we did paper rockets in our groups. We had 10 minutes to decorate and construct a rocket. We wrapped the paper around a tube, glued it and put a plastic flexible top onto it. Then we took the tube out then we took it outside where Mr Purcell helped them to attach them to the firer. Then, we all gave a countdown for them to press the button. When they had pressed the button, the rocket was fired up into the air. 

            Finally, we had the biggest rocket – this was an experiment with a big bang! Mr Purcell made the rocket using a bottle and filled it up with gas from the gas taps and oxygen. Then he took it outside and put a wire to it and connected that to a battery. Suddenly the bottle exploded before it blasted off! A lot of the Year 2s were sticking their fingers in their ears. The bang was so loud that the Year 8s in Latin heard it!

            I hope that all Year 2 enjoyed themselves and that they had fun with the different rockets and making one of their own.
By Kitty

Year 2 Rocket Day

On Monday the 27th of April, the whole of Year 2 came down to the prep school for a Rocket Workshop.

          After a quick demonstration, they were split into 6 groups, each group had a member of 8S leading them.

          The first rocket that they made was the Bicarbonate of Soda (commonly known as Baking Powder) and Hydrochloric Acid (a more common substitution is Vinegar) rocket, using old film canisters and their lids to help. The lid contains the bicarbonate of soda and the body contains about 2 pipettes of acid. Then, by popping the lid on and turning it upside down, you can watch the reaction (from a safe distance of course!).

          The second rocket was the Water Rocket. This was a demonstration. It took quite a long time to get going (we got through quite a few volunteers in the process of pumping it up!) but it was definitely worth the wait!

          We then made the traditional Air Rocket – one for each group. We had ten minutes to make the rockets, as everyone wanted to decorate theirs! Then we gathered outside and watch as the groups fired of their rockets on by one, and the year 2 boys especially enjoyed pushing the red button to fire!

          Finally we had the Big Bang demonstration; a lot of fingers were firmly pushed into ears! Unexpectedly, the bottle exploded! According to the Year 8’s the explosion could be heard in the Latin Room!

          On the whole, I think everyone really enjoyed the day, especially the Year 2s. I hope that they remember it for a long time – I still remember when we did it!
By Millie

Painted Lady Butterflies

Year 5 have been learning about Life Cycles this term. They are now doing projects on the life cycle of a Painted Lady butterfly.

As part of this project each child has been assigned a caterpillar to observe.

They are making notes on the size of the caterpillar, it's appearance and how is behaves. 

They are also researching the different stages in the life cycle using information from websites, books and the Year 5 iBook.

Thursday 23 April 2015

The seed bank

Our first activity is in the seed bank. We have been learning all about the work they carry out. 

We also learnt about different types of seeds. 

To help our understanding of the importance of seeds we did a number of different activities.


Touring Wakehurst Gardens

Year 6 have looked around the gardens here to see plants in different stages of their life cycles

Year 6 arrive at the Millennium Seed Bank

Year 6 are visiting Wakehurst today and here they are learning about the important work they do at the Millennium seed bank. 

Tuesday 21 April 2015

3G are magnetised

Introduction to magnets workshop. The children had fun testing different objects. They recorded their results in a chart.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Year 8 revision

There is another iBook to help those of you with Apple devices. Check out the Science@Brambletye page and you will find it near the bottom of the page with the other iBooks.
Keep doing a little bit each day.