Saturday 16 May 2015

Revision pdfs fixed now

Sorry there was a glitch in the links for the pdfs of the power points.
This has now been rectified. Sorry for any inconvenience

Year 7 pressure investigation

Water rockets use air pressure so what better investigation to do?
We can change the amount of water in the bottle

We can change the angle of the launch ramp (gutter)

 Fit the fins

And pump

Then measure how far it went

Saturday 9 May 2015

Summer exam revision

It is never too early to start a little exam revision. Revision is best done a little bit at a time and often. Last minute cramming can help but sometimes it confuses. Best have a look at some of the revision sources on the Science at Brambletye page and find some things for your year group.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Pig pluck dissection

Today year 7 continued their study of the human body. They saw what real organs looked like but pig's ones not human. Well they are roughly the same size.