Tuesday 28 November 2017

Year 5 make ice cream!

Year 5 consolidate their "Changing States" unit by making ice cream during their science practical today. In groups they mixed milk, vanilla essence and sugar in a sealed bag, and placed it inside a large plastic container with lots of ice and salt. After 10 minutes of violent mixing, they were amazed at the end product - delicious Vanilla Ice Cream! Well done year 5!! They were delighted in this instance to be allowed to break the science lab rules by tasting their creations! 

Friday 10 November 2017

8A check energy values in crisps. 

A bit more work on energy; calculating the calorific value of crisps.

First find the mass of your crisp

Then add a certain amount of water to a boiling tube

Take the temperature of the water

Set fire to the crisp and heat the water with it

You have to burn all of the crisp keeping it under the boiling tube at all times

Check the temperature after heating

And then do your calculations

There were four different crisps to do

So careful measurements were needed for a valid comparison

And lots of calculations but in the end the cheezy Wotsits won!

Y6 meet the Bunsen burner

We started this term's chemistry topic recently with an introduction to the Bunsen Burner

Safety check
Heat proof mat Yes
Lab coat Yes
Safety glasses Yes ----- but not to protect your hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Use the collar to change the size of the air hole and hence the nature of the flame

They put the copper wire into the flame to see which part was hottest

The place where the copper glowed most was the hottest

Some even managed to melt the end of the wire

This proved the hottest part was just above the blue cone in the roaring flame

Tuesday 7 November 2017

7A test antacid medicines

7A tested how effective indigestion medicines are in their recent science lesson.
Take one max adult dose of the medicine

The medicines were added to a conical flask with 50ml of water.

Then the pH was taken - its a bit fiddly

The add hydrochloric acid and retest the pH

Once the medicine has stopped neutralising acid then stop the test.

Monday 6 November 2017

Y8 test the energy in snacks

Pringles, wotsits, pretzels or crisp sticks - which has the most energy?

First find the mass of the snack

Next find the temperature of a measured amount of water.
Now set the snack on fire.

Hold the burning crisp under the boiling tube of water.

This should raise the temperature of the water.

Sometimes the crisp needs relighting

Then try with the next snack

Take the temperature of the water at the end

Then complete the calculations to work out the energy

Maths meet science! But which crisp had the most energy?