Tuesday 25 September 2018

Monday 24 September 2018

Testing for glucose. 

Today 5D tested different foods to see if they contained glucose. Here they are in action:

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Y6 test light sensitivity in maggots

The experiment today was to test one of the MRS NERG living processess Sensitivity. 

Are maggots sensitive to light? We designed an experiment to see if they like or avoid light. See Y6 in action below:

Tuesday 18 September 2018

6G look at adaptations in birds

Last science lesson 6G used different sorts of tongs as bird beaks to "eat" different sorts of foods - like rubbers, marbles and string. This will help them realise why birds have different shaped beaks for eating different foods. 

Monday 17 September 2018

5D test food for starch

In our study of food and digestion Y5 are testing different food for the carbohydrate starch. Here they are at work using iodine as an indicator. It goes black or dark blue with starch but stays orange if there is no starch. 

Friday 14 September 2018

The acid test

Today Y7 started testing everyday substances to see if they are acids or alkalis 

Take a drop in the pippette 

Add it to bits of red and blue litmus paper

Look carefully to see if there is a colour change

Both red and blue litmus have gone red so this substance (lemon juice) is an acid. 

Keep testing the substances

Making sure you don’t cross contaminate the samples

And record the results

Monday 10 September 2018

In the hedgerow section

In front of the harvest mice 

Next to the rabbits 

Next to the weasels

More animals

Water voles are hiding here

A stoat in its overhead run

Otters come out to meet Y6

Fox and Scottish Wildcats

By the fox enclosure 

Attentively watching Y6 waiting to nip a finger through the wire. He was disappointed this time. 

Braveheart the Scottish Wildcat