Sunday 26 October 2014

7M vs 7G

Just before we broke up for half term, 7G took on 7M to see which form could identify the best indigestion medicine. We were looking at whether tablets or liquid medicines worked best. A captain was selected from each form and they each drew the type of medicine their form was to test. 7G selected liquids and 7M tablets.

Then we set to work. We measured one dose of the medicine and mixed it with some water.

Then we add Hydrocloric acid to the medicine, a little at a time, and test the pH.

We stopped when the mixture had become pH 1.

Then we made a note of how much acid we had to add. The medicine that requires the most acid is the most effective. 

When we return from half term we will analyse the results and find out which type of medicine works the best (and which form has won!).