Wednesday 28 January 2015

Year 3 light up

The children carried out an experiment using a candle. 
The wax vapour caused the candle to re-ignite even when the wooden splint did not touch the wick!

Friday 23 January 2015

Ecology film project

While we were visiting the ecology gallery, the children were given a film project on 'cycles'. They were making films about either the water cycle or the carbon cycle based on what they had learnt from the displays.

Now they are editing these movies on the train journey home.

Heading for home

This has been a great day: the children have learned a lot and done some excellent work. They will be tweaking their videos and presentations when we get back to school.

Time to answer our questions!

The children are now trying to answer their questions. They are using a number of different resources to help them.

Year 7 learn about movement

This morning we went to the human body gallery. 

As part of this we looked at movement. The children found the interactive displays very useful to help their understanding of joints, muscles and nerves. @NHM_learn

Now to work

Having been briefed year 7 are now examining real specimens and devising questions concerning them. All @NHM_Learn

Using our iPads in the NHM

We were looking at how optical illusions trick our minds and recorded our findings on our iPads. @NHM_Learn 

Year 7 investigate

Year 7 are having a great day at the Natural Hisyory Museum. 
They spent the morning in the Human body gallery and are now doing the investigate activity

Wednesday 21 January 2015

3G visit the lab

We carried out an absorbency test as part of our focus on Materials and their Properties. The children tested different samples of paper and recorded their results.

Monday 19 January 2015

Presenting our owl pellet findings

Year 8 have been looking at owl pellets in science this week. 

First we soaked them and looked inside for any bones. We then cleaned the bones we found. 

We then identified all the animals the owls had eaten. 

We presented our findings in the form of a poster.

Friday 16 January 2015

First to finish

This pair were the first to finish their poster
Closely followed by
And then

Presenting the bones

The sorted bones are then glued onto a poster
Presentation skills are key

All this in a double lesson. Some very efficient worker here today

Dem bones

Year 8 are now identifying the bones they separated from the owl pellets.
The bones have been soaking in bleach solution for the last 36 hours so they are nice and clean and disease free!