Monday 12 January 2015

Owl Ecology

Year 8 pupils have been learning all about owls. This is a good way to bring together the last three year's Biology to help get ready for CE. Having looked at the classification they are now dissecting owl pellets (regurgitated fur and bones) to see what they eat. 
The pellets need wetting to help them separate
Skulls can be picked out easily, this is a vole skull
Some are full of fur so difficult to identify
Rinsing in water helps to get rid of some of the fur
Some need a little work with tweezers and a seeker to get the fur out
Leg bones are easier to separate and there should be four for each skull!
Another interesting find
Close examination is necessary
The running tap technique has it's disadvantages - this bone ended up down the plug hole.
Later today we meet the owls themselves from the British Wildlfie Centre.