Thursday 6 August 2015

Aran's white hole

White holes

White holes are a theory that there is an opposite of black holes. Black holes suck in matter and don’t let matter out and White holes spew out matter and don’t let any matter in.
Many scientists think white holes are impossible and don’t exist. When black holes suck objects up scientists call it “information”. The most known theory is that when information enters a black hole it can never be recovered.
Einstein’s and Newton both said that “matter cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change forms.” Their theory doesn’t disagree that black holes keep matter in forever because it doesn’t mean that the matter will ever get destroyed.
In 1975 Stephen Hawking said that black holes radiate energy so that eventually black holes will evaporate. Though when a black hole evaporates what happens to all the matter that the black hole has sucked up? This theory created a dilemma until the theory of white holes.
Once the black hole had evaporated it would turn into a whitehole and fire out all the information that it had sucked up when it was a black hole. If this theory is proved it settles the debate between Hawking’s theory and Einstein and Newton’s theory.
Some people have taken the idea further and said that black holes are linked to white holes in another part of the universe.
In 2006 scientists detected a gamma ray burst that was 102seconds long. They thought it came from a supernova but couldn’t see one anywhere. They were totally confused. 5 years later scientists realised that the gamma ray may have come from a white hole. This encounter is the closest scientists have come to proving white hole existence.

Aran Truslove

Complicated but fascinating stuff Aran, there are some mind bending numbers and maths to deal with if you look into this area further - IRP.