Saturday 10 September 2016

Thursday's trip to the British Wildlife Centre

Y6 visited the British Wildlife Centre at Lingfield last Thursday. 
Here they saw many examples of indigenous fauna like these otters. 
And so nice to get close up to creatures we don't usually see in Sussex. 
And see those that we often only hear
Even some of the less desirable mammalian community were represented
We were introduced to Flo the Tawney owl and asked some great questions. 
There was evidence of bigger creatures we would see later. 
And we met a hedgehog whose spines are made of keratin, the same substance that makes up deer antlers and our finger nails. 
We met another mustelid (otters are too) the pole cat. 
They can lock their jaws as I hope you can see on this next photo. 
The children had an excellent day and learned a lot about the classification and adaptation of British Wildlife.