Friday 31 January 2014

Year 6 on safari?

Year 6 used their microscopes to search a moss clump for micro-organisms. 
They saw paramecium
And rotifers
And nematodes
And euglena
And lots of other things. 
A very successful safari without leaving the lab. 

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Year 3 find out what's reversible

Year 3 experimented with reversible and irreversible changes in the laboratory. They blew up balloons, stretched elastic, dissolved sugar cubes and observed a lit candle.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Digesting starch

Year 7 have been learning about digestion. They have learnt how enzymes can break down large food molecules into smaller ones. We then used our knowledge of this to digest starch. 

We placed iodine in each well of a spotting tile.

Then we took some starch and added an enzyme called amylase, this is the enzyme found in our saliva. Some groups used 5ml and the others used 10ml of enzyme. 

We started the timer. 

We tested the mixture with the iodine every twenty seconds.

At the start the iodine turned black but once the starch had been digested the iodine remained a brown colour. The mixture with 10ml of enzyme did this first. 

The starch had been broken down into glucose. To prove this we poured some Benedict's solution into the boiling tube and placed this into a water bath. The solution turned from turquoise to brick red which tells us it contained lots of glucose. 

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Extracting DNA from onions

Year 7 are doing a lot of work on the human body this term including reporduction.
They have learned about DNA and know that your genetic plan is carried on this double helix.
Here they have a go at extracting the DNA from an onion.
 First get your equipment ready
 You need some pureed onion

and add salt water to it
 And mix it up
 Then filter the suspension
 You must get 50ml of filtrate
 Now add some washing up liquid and then cold ethanol

 Add the ethanol very carefully

And then you have finished
Se the layer of cloudy white stuff in the middle
 That is DNA
Did you know that onion cells have more DNA than our cells!
 Scientists think that most of it is junk DNA but some genes like those for metabolism will be the same as the metabolism genes that are in our cells.


Tuesday 21 January 2014

Year 3 experiment

Year 3 carried out an 'absorbency' experiment as part of their focus on 'Materials and their Properties'. 

The children tested different paper samples to see which type absorbed more water.

Monday 20 January 2014

Where does the owl fly

Here in the theatre, if the owl is Aluca or Big Pete.
See them in action here
They came with their freinds from the British Wildlife Centre.

Scrappy a Little Owl

Ethel a European Eagle Owl

Here is Big Pete the Barn Owl

And Aluca the Tawny Owl
The year 8 pupils were very quiet for our guests as owls have very sensitive ears. They can hear the heart beat of a mouse at 20 paces.Watch out rodents!!!

Year 4 test the water

Year 4 made another visit to the lab this morning
They are doing work on temperature. 
They want to see how boiling water cools
They start the timer and take the temperature of the water. 
They have to wait for two minutes. 
Then they take the temperature again. 
They keep ding this so they can see if there is a pattern. 
They keep going for 12 minutes. 
Will their prediction be correct?

Friday 17 January 2014

What did the owl eat?

The bones have been soaked in bleach solution for the last few days. 

Now to identify and present them.