Wednesday 22 January 2014

Extracting DNA from onions

Year 7 are doing a lot of work on the human body this term including reporduction.
They have learned about DNA and know that your genetic plan is carried on this double helix.
Here they have a go at extracting the DNA from an onion.
 First get your equipment ready
 You need some pureed onion

and add salt water to it
 And mix it up
 Then filter the suspension
 You must get 50ml of filtrate
 Now add some washing up liquid and then cold ethanol

 Add the ethanol very carefully

And then you have finished
Se the layer of cloudy white stuff in the middle
 That is DNA
Did you know that onion cells have more DNA than our cells!
 Scientists think that most of it is junk DNA but some genes like those for metabolism will be the same as the metabolism genes that are in our cells.