Wednesday 21 October 2015

Team Wybar vs Team Purcell

This morning two of our Year 7 classes had a competition over which type of indigestion medicine was the best - tablets/powder or liquids. They have been learning about neutralisation in their recent Science lessons and looking at how these medicines would neutralise excess stomach acid.

First a team captain was chosen from each class. The captains had to pick which type of medicine they would be testing. 

Team Purcell got liquid medicines:

With Team Wybar selecting tablets/powders:

Then the teams separated to get down to work.

Each group carefully measured one maximum adult dose of thier medicine using a number of techniques such as measuring cylinders, teaspoons, scales and those who had large tablets crushed the medicine in a pestle and mortar before dissolving it in warm water. 

Then they started to add acid to the medicine, checking the pH at regular intervals. 

The medicine which would neutralise the most acid was the most effective. We also compared the price of the different medicines. 

The two teams met again at the end of the lesson to reveal their results. The atmosphere was tense.....

The medicine that could neutralise the most acid was also the cheapest medicine that we tested. It was the Sodium bicarbonate powder. Well done to both classes for some great scientific skills and congratulations to Team Wybar for their victory. 

Year 3 bite off more than they can chew


First a good clean 
Now chew on the disclosing tablet 
 yum yum???????
Something reddy 

 Better clean again
 reach right to the back and get all the teeth
that's better all clean

Monday 19 October 2015

Bend it like 8G

Today 8G investigated refraction and how light can bend when it enters an optically more dense medium like glass or perspex.
 The ray was shone at a perspex block
the angle of the ray was marked as it entered 
and left the block 
the ray of light bends at the surface 
 this is called refraction
and explains why a straw seem to bend in a glass of water

8S test Max's reflection hypothyesis

Max made a prediction about the angles of incidence and reflection so we tested it in the lab.
 They used ray boxes to create light rays
Then the rays were marked 
 and measured
and a new angle of incidence set up 
and the process repeated
 a number of times
to get enough results to draw a graph
Then we can compare the results and see if the angle of incidence does equal the angle of relection.

Saturday 17 October 2015

Halloween draws close

As Halloween time draws near we have been experimenting with pumpkins:

Friday 16 October 2015

8G see the light

8G started their new physics topic "Light" with an experiment investigating reflection. 
The lab needed to be in darkness so lights off and blinds down
Shine the ray at the mirror 
Mark the reflected ray
Then use a different angle of incidence 
Accurate marking is important
Sharp eyes and sharp pencils 
Neat work is important
Lots of results will give accurate graphs
Plotting the graph shows us that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.