Tuesday 9 February 2016

8S are forensic

8S teams of scientists were told that the forensic labs at Gatwick were shut this morning and that they were required to analyse a white powder that had been found in a passenger's luggage.
They got straight down to testing
Observing carefully 
Heating and testing the gasses given off 
Making sure they worked safely 
 Testing solubility
Until they found out that it was..... 
zinc carbonate 
Did you know:
Zinc carbonate (ZnCO3), normally referred to as smithsonite, is an ore that contains the metal zinc. It was named after the English scientist James Smithson (who dedicated his fortune to create the Smithsonian museum in Washington, D.C.). The mineral has a number of uses in health care, metallurgy, electronics, and construction.  (Thanks to the eHow website)