Saturday 6 February 2016

Have 7C got guts?

The last experiment of this topics for 7C is to make a model gut and investigate assimilation.
They prepared it yesterday like this:
First they took a piece of Visking tubing 
After wetting it they knotted one end 
 Then tried to open up the other end
This is a fiddly job 
But once opened
 they added some glucose solution 
 and some starch solution
in equal quantities
and then knotted the other end 
 and put it into a boiling tube full of water.
This was left for 24 hours and then the inside and outside of the visking tubing was tested for starch and glucose. They found that the starch had stayed in the inside of the visking tubing while the glucose had spread so it was in equal quantities inside and out. Sorry no photos of the testing today, I was so busy issuing instructions I forgot!