Monday 18 September 2017

Y8 test the spring toys

All of Y8 got involved in spring toy testing over the last few lessons. This is part of their energy studies.
Spring toys were primed and then the height they jumped up into the air was noted. The Elastic Potential energy was converted into first Kinetic and then Gravitational Potential energy.

Which is the spring toy and which the bouncy student?

They used the iPads to record the highest point of the flight.

The App was slopro so they could scrub through the action to find the highest point.

Here is a primed toy ready to spring.

We also need to know the mass so the force can be calculated

Then complicated calculations need a computer

The force x the distance (N x m) gives us the energy in Joules

All tests were conducted in a fair, accurate and reliable manner.

And lots of toys were tested so a good comparison could be made

Most of the spring toys actually appear as a blur on these photos

Sometimes jumping toys come as a bit of a shock, even when you were expecting them!